Kicking off the New Year BIG and LOUD with LSVT!

As we all recover from the holiday celebrations of 2021, we need to look to the start of the next year with some renewed focus. We can all be guilty of eating too much, enjoying too many beverages and losing track of our focus on exercise during the busy holiday season. So how do we get back on track in the new year? How do we set forward on a sustainable plan?

  1. Don’t guilt yourself for falling off track, instead work on setting goals for today, the next day and the weeks to come.
  2. Make your goals attainable & set aside time to allow yourself to succeed.
  3. Remind yourself that exercise will make you feel better, move better, talk better and improve your overall sense of well-being. Sometimes this “self-talk” is just what we need to get off the couch and get going.

For those of you that have been through LSVT BIG® and/or LSVT LOUD® treatment, the ongoing recommendation for exercise after discharge is that you complete your exercises 1 time per day, forever! Well, forever is a long time, so start with setting a goal for getting them done today, then do the same tomorrow and then strive for a perfect week of doing them all 7 days in a row.

Some people are more likely to stick to it if you are able to exercise in a group setting. Look for BIG for LIFE®, LOUD for LIFE® or other Parkinson specific exercise classes out there that you can join. If you’re not comfortable leaving the house but would enjoy a group, look for virtual options that exist. Our staff at LSVT are happy to assist you in getting connected with our BIG for LIFE or LOUD for LIFE clinicians and classes around the country.

For those that are looking at getting involved with LSVT BIG and/or LSVT LOUD through therapy intervention for the first time or are in need of a LSVT tune up, reach out to your MD to get the necessary referral to physical and/or occupational therapy or speech therapy. Use our “Find a Clinician” tool on our website to look for clinicians in your area or reach out to our office at 1-888-438-5788 or at for assistance.

Cheers to a happy and healthy 2022 from our team at LSVT Global!