LSVT Stories

We cherish the uplifting and powerful stories shared by our LSVT clinicians and LSVT graduates.  We would love for you to share your story too.

No stories are too big or too small when they’re from the heart, and please don’t fret over how you write — we just want to know how LSVT affected your life and hear about your successes along the way or anything else you’d like to share.

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Our Down Syndrome LSVT Success Story (Part 1): The Parent Perspective

My son Wesley completed the 4 week long LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD program this summer.  Wes was 4 years 2 months old at the time.  He has Down syndrome, is nonverbal,
wears AFO leg braces and has glasses.  

Zach Story Picture

LSVT BIG allowed my client to get to Hawaii for his 52nd anniversary trip!

Read Zach’s inspiring story on how LSVT BIG treatment allowed his client to take the anniversary trip of a lifetime!

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How LSVT BIG® Made a Lasting Impact on Both my Dad’s Life and Mine!

Read Colleen and her Dad’s inspiring journey with LSVT BIG. “I am so proud of my dad, and I am forever grateful to LSVT BIG and those two women that made a lasting impact on my dad’s life. And mine.”


“LSVT LOUD therapy has literally given me my life back.”

My client felt so elated with her outcomes that she wanted to spread the word! Her neurological voice disorder has not been cured, but positive, functional changes resulted from the intensive LSVT LOUD program. Our hope is that future research will support the application of LSVT to the ABLD population as a functional treatment approach.

Tara OTG work photo

My PT Story: New Zealand’s First LSVT BIG Certified Therapist

Occupational therapists (OTs) new to treating people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) may find it challenging to know how to intervene with the best techniques for optimal functional results. This is my story as an OT whose practice was radically shifted as a result of LSVT BIG®.

Group of paper airplane in one direction and with one individual pointing in the different way, can be used leadership/individuality concepts.( 3d render )

My OT Story: How LSVT BIG Radically Shifted My Practice

Occupational therapists (OTs) new to treating people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) may find it challenging to know how to intervene with the best techniques for optimal functional results. This is my story as an OT whose practice was radically shifted as a result of LSVT BIG®.

Poonam G., PT

“LSVT BIG training has impacted my daily clinical practice immensely”

I have seen improvements in my patients’ movement overall, but specifically, my most recent patient had a reduction in his freezing episodes while turning, and he has more confidence to do his daily activities.


I was prescribed PT, OT, and Speech Therapy. It was there that I was first taught about LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD. It was there that I also first learned about the importance of exercise and its effect on Parkinson’s.

“I came to regard exercise as my primary medication.”

Shortly after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2013, my movement disorder specialist suggested LSVT BIG® and LSVT LOUD®. I think having completed the sixteen sessions of both LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD early on, definitely laid a strong foundation as I came to regard exercise as my primary medication.

“Being certified as an LSVT LOUD Clinician was the smartest move I ever made!”

I am a speech-language pathologist and started an outpatient adult rehabilitation clinic in Tulsa, OK in 2014, as I felt that adult speech pathology services were very misunderstood and underutilized in my area. One of the most common diagnoses I treat at my adult/geriatric outpatient clinic is Parkinson’s disease.

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“I’m getting better all the time!”

When I was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease three years ago, my family had noticed a tremor in my right hand and changes in the way that I walked.  I did not, however, notice any changes in my voice. What I did notice more and more, is how often my husband asked me to repeat myself!  I was convinced he was going deaf. 


“I have grown in confidence”

My name is Kevin, and I have been the headmaster of a large co-ed primary school in Zimbabwe for the past thirty years, ten of which I have had Parkinson’s. In February of 2017, I had Deep Brain Stimulation, and one of the side effects of this was that my speech became slurred and soft. My daughter, who is a speech and language pathologist, recommended that I have LSVT LOUD.

Amy Bottomley PT

“This was one of the most functional and fulfilling courses we both have ever taken…”

We are physical therapists who have been practicing for over seven years. The LSVT BIG Training and Certification Course was one of the most functional and fulfilling courses we both have ever taken.


“LSVT BIG is my miracle!”

LSVT BIG is my miracle! I know now that just as I take my medications on a regular basis, I need to continue with LSVT BIG! I must keep exercising; it is my other new medicine! This is the only way to look at it.

Rhonda B. 2 1

“A diagnosis of PD now is decorated with HOPE!”

I am a PTA who has been practicing since 1987 and LSVT BIG Certified since 2009. Before getting certified in LSVT BIG, I had already discovered that my focus needed to be on getting patients with Parkinson’s moving as big as I could.

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“I took the LSVT BIG online certification course…”

I am an Occupational Therapist with 9 years’ experience in skilled nursing and skilled nursing outpatient. I took the LSVT BIG online certification course


LSVT renewed my confidence

As a former fighter pilot in the Air Force, editor-in-chief of Better Homes and Gardens, author of more than 25 poems and books, president of the magazine division of Meredith Corporation, and national public speaker and consultant, there is one thing that will not define me- Parkinson’s disease.


LSVT LOUD was a complete success…

I am a 72-year-old male who was diagnosed with Parkinson disease in 2012. Since then, I have had two experiences with physical therapy, one with occupational therapy (both with mixed results) and the LSVT LOUD program. LSVT LOUD was a complete success and continues to be after nearly four years. When my doctor suggested that I investigate LSVT BIG, I got on your website the next day.


I have a new lease on life

Horses have always been a big part of my life. In fact, my husband, Jerry, and I have had horses our entire 42-year marriage. So when I started seeing the first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in 2005 and was diagnosed in September 2008, I wanted to be sure I’d still be able to do the things I loved: being outside, gardening, and riding my three horses.

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LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD were life changing!

LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD were life changing for me. I thank the Lord that He has used these programs and prayer to keep me functioning so well. I do the exercises almost every day (missed maybe 3-5 times all year).


Before “BIG” I was almost wheelchair bound.

After just a few sessions with the LSVT BIG Program, I noticed a marked improvement in my movements. Before “BIG” I was almost wheelchair bound. I couldn’t walk more than a few steps without shuffling, causing me to lose my balance.


I am now able to easily go to ball games….

I entered the LSVT BIG program by having my wife push me in a wheelchair. For the prior two years or more, I had used an electric scooter for mobility because I was not able to walk more than a couple of steps at a time.


I attribute everything I’ve accomplished to LSVT BIG

At one time, I was stooped over, dragging my left leg, shuffling and using a cane for balance. My doctor had suggested LSVT BIG for quite some time but my stubbornness, depression and bad attitude kept me from attending.


I can’t imagine where I’d be…

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 53 on May 20, 2014, and did not share the news for months while I tried to accept the diagnosis emotionally.

father bob

LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG helped me very much

Both LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD programs helped me very much. LSVT BIG helped keep muscle movement and strength. It helped me become aware of the importance of exercises. It continues to help my motivation. The LSVT LOUD program, I believe, helped me to not lose a lot of ability that I would have lost.


We work together to conquer PD!

LSVT BIG has made me see the importance of consistent exercise and repetitive large movements. It has made me aware of my movements in everyday activity and has improved my quality of life.


LSVT LOUD, the research simply speaks for itself

I am a speech-language pathologist and started an outpatient adult rehabilitation clinic in Tulsa, OK in 2014, as I felt that adult speech pathology services were very misunderstood and underutilized in my area. One of the most common diagnoses I treat at my adult/geriatric outpatient clinic is Parkinson’s disease.


The LSVT training was best investment…

I have been working in the rehabilitation field of healthcare for the last 20 years, and during that time I have seen and learned many different techniques, program, and modalities. When I was introduced to the LSVT model, I could see where the idea behind it made sense and that it could be empowering for those with Parkinson’s and that was enough for us to decide to do a ‘pilot program’ here at our outpatient center.


LSVT BIG empowers my patients…

I am an occupational therapist with 16 years of experience. One of my recent patients required substantial assistance to transfer to/from the commode, was using a wheelchair due to impaired balance and was unable to walk without assistance.


LSVT LOUD changed my life

Recently my patient’s wife said to me, “Now THAT’S the man I married. Do you realize that this is the first time in years we are having a conversation?”


I’ve had an amazing experience…

I have been LSVT BIG certified since June of last year, and have had an amazing experience working with the PD population. I have worked with both lower level and higher level patients and have really enabled others to recognize how much we can do with an amplitude based intervention. My coworkers often consult myself and a few others to work with their patients, bridging a gap between OT/PT and really getting people involved, not just patients or therapists working on the inpatient unit, but nurses, caregivers, and administration (who paid for additional outpatient staff to be trained).


It’s the best thing that has come around for me since being an OT.

I’ve been a practicing OT for over 20 years, the last 14 years with FOX Rehabilitation. As a matter of fact, I was one of the first FOX therapists trained in the Delaware Valley and New Jersey.