Background: The extant literature suggests the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment BIG® (LSVT BIG) program is an effective intervention for persons with Parkinson’s disease; however, no literature or research on the use of this program as an intervention for persons with stroke exists.
Objectives: We examined the effects of the LSVT BIG program for a 52-yr-old community-dwelling woman with mild to moderate upper extremity hemiparesis 2 yr after a stroke and the feasibility of delivering the home exercise component of the program in a game-based format.
Methods: We made measurements at pretest, posttest, and 6-wk follow-up.
Results: The participant demonstrated self-reported improvements in occupational performance and satisfaction and large improvements in upper extremity motor function.
Conclusions: The next step in this research is to deliver LSVT BIG and a home game-based program with a larger, more diverse population of persons with chronic stroke to further determine the effectiveness and appropriateness of this intervention.