LSVT Global’s Statement on Black Lives Matter


LSVT Global will go beyond simply issuing words of support. We will open our eyes and ears to see and LISTEN to the pain and the calls for change. We will do our part to help make change happen. We will dedicate ourselves to not being complicit in overlooking or ignoring the needs of Black colleagues, Black patients, and their families. Nor will we overlook all the underserved or unserved populations.

With words must come actions and that is why we are making immediate donations to the National Association of Black Physical Therapists, the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing, and the Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity. LSVT Global will also put in place scholarships for people of color to become LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG Certified, a treatment research grant designated for people of color, and we will reach out to the Black professional and other diversity organizations in our field to listen and learn more about what meaningful actions we can take. These are the first steps only with more action to follow. We are open to all feedback. We can and will do better. #BlackLivesMatter