LSVT LOUD was a complete success…

I am a 72-year-old male who was diagnosed with Parkinson disease in 2012.  Since then, I have had two experiences with physical therapy, one with occupational therapy (both with mixed results) and the LSVT LOUD program.  LSVT LOUD was a complete success and continues to be after nearly four years.  When my doctor suggested that I investigate LSVT BIG, I got on your website the next day.

Your website directed me to a clinician in my area.  I’ll admit to being skeptical about how much change could take place in just four weeks.  I was wrong.  My therapist Patti coached me in the proper performance of the LSVT exercise routine and spent an equal amount of time in giving me instruction in the functional areas that were causing me the greatest problems.  She motivated me to use more effort in doing the exercises and was quick to compliment proper form.  She loaned me her copy of the “Homework Helper” DVD, and it was such a compliment to my sessions with her that I ordered my own copy the next day.

On the functional side, she has a unique ability to break a task down into its component parts and to retrain the patient.  Here are some activities that I had avoided but which are now part of my routine again: getting up from a low couch, getting into and out of my car (which is low to the ground), putting bills into my wallet, retrieving my cell phone from a pants pocket and putting it back, properly donning a sports jacket, buttoning a shirt.  Her instruction of “big posture, big steps” has vastly improved my walking, and my arm swing has returned.  All in four weeks!


-- Ralph F.