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Not enough hours in the day for documentation? Get the LSVT Companion – a speech therapy data collection option.

The LSVT Coach is a one of a kind device for LSVT LOUD treatment. It consists of a software program paired with an external calibrated microphone that offers valid and reliable acoustic measurement of sound pressure level (SPL), frequency and duration. The data collection is specifically tailored to the LSVT LOUD protocol and offers automated data averaging for fast and efficient summary treatment results.

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Announcing the 2019 LSVT Global Student Grant Awardees for Physical Therapy

We congratulate the 2019 physical therapy student grant recipients! The awardees are conducting exciting research in the areas of Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Read on to learn about the 2019 winners and our 2020 grant competition!

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Announcing the 2019 LSVT Global Student Grant Awardees for Speech-Language Pathology

We congratulate the 2019 speech-language pathology student grant recipients! The awardees are conducting exciting speech treatment research in the areas of dyslexia and Parkinson’s disease. Read on to learn about the 2019 winners and our 2020 grant competition!

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LSVT BIG Presented at the Saudi Physical Therapy Association Conference

LSVT BIG Chief Clinical Officer Laura Gusè, spoke on LSVT BIG at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Saudi Physical Therapy Association (SPTA) in Riyadh, on September 6-8, 2019. Read on to learn more about this exciting conference and LSVT Global’s contribution.

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LSVT Global Team Member Spotlight! Shannon Townsend

Learn more about our LSVT Global Team member Shannon Townsend, Administrative Assistant in our corporate office. Thank you Shannon for your caring, helpful and efficient customer service for all.

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Emerging Research on the Use of LSVT BIG® in People with Chronic Stroke

Another client was able to feed his pets and hold and feed his new (and first) grandchild and began noticing improvements in ability to walk in physical therapy after the intervention was completed. His wife felt comfortable leaving him home alone for the first time since his stroke.

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5 Reasons to Attend This Summer’s LSVT LOUD Training and Certification Courses

Demystify the scientific research and bring evidence-based practice to life! Learn real-world LSVT LOUD clinical tools that you can use immediately in your practice.

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LSVT Global Heads to World Parkinson Congress

LSVT Global will be attending the 5th World Parkinson Congress (WPC), in Kyoto, Japan. The WPC is a unique event. As described by WPC, "each Congress brings together physicians, neuroscientists, a broad range of other health professionals, care partners, and people with PD (PwPs) for a unique and inspiring experience. Cross pollinating members of the community is important in the effort to expedite the discovery of a cure and cultivate best treatment practices for this devastating disease." LSVT Global is proud to have participated in every WPC held to date - and we look forward to next week in Kyoto.   LSVT Global Booth Stop by Booth 501 to learn more about LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG speech, physical, and occupational therapies for Parkinson’s. Talk to LSVT experts, pick up some information, and even grab a little swag. We have handouts in English and Japanese. Posters Wednesday, June 5th, 2019 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Global Implementation of Efficacious Voice Treatment for Parkinson's Disease: LSVT LOUD® Germany, France, and Japan. Poster Board 22.44 Speech Intelligibility of Individuals with Parkinson's Disease in Noise Following Voice or Articulation Treatment. Poster Board 22.51 Thursday, June 6th, 2019 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM GlobalContinue Reading

Bladder, Bowel and Sexual Dysfunction in Parkinson’s: What do LSVT BIG® Clinicians Need to Know?

You are most likely familiar with the research on LSVT LOUD® and LSVT BIG® which has shown both short term and long-term improvements in functional communication, mobility, balance and activities of daily living to name a few. Although the motor symptoms of Parkinson disease (PD) are targeted through the LSVT programs, as LSVT BIG clinicians, we know that we are simultaneously addressing the non-motor symptoms (NMS) as well, which can be barriers to calibration. These NMS include cognitive changes, sensory deficits, anxiety, depression, apathy, fatigue, pain, and sleep. Additionally, the non-motor symptoms of bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction can commonly occur, but may be less frequently discussed when the person is coming to see us for LSVT BIG.

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Keys to Successful Speech Treatment in People with Parkinson’s Disease

Speech treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) was previously unsuccessful. An approach, called LSVT LOUD, was developed in the late 1980s. At that time, LSVT LOUD was substantially different from traditional speech treatment in several ways. This article reviewed the novel concepts of this approach. These included a single focus on vocal loudness, intensive delivery, sensory retraining, and a simple and redundant treatment cue, “speak loud”.

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