Siri, why can’t you understand me?

Siri, why can’t you understand me?


Building a Data Base for Automatic Speech Recognition in

Parkinson’s disease


Your Voice is Needed

Join Google and LSVT in Project Euphonia

What is happening?

LSVT Global has partnered with Google on an exciting research project called Project Euphonia to help improve automatic speech recognition software for people with speech disorders. These disorders may make using devices like Google Home, The Nest and other Smart devices, Siri, Alexa, or speech-to-text frustrating. To do this, we need samples of disordered speech to train the system. LSVT Global is recruiting people with speech disorders to help!


Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), PSP, MSA, CBD, post DBS, Tremor, or ataxia with mild, moderate, or severe speech disorders.

Click the Register Now button to complete a short contact form.  One of our LSVT Global representatives will contact you with more details about the study. There is no obligation to participate by filling out this form.

How Can You Help?

Patients will record samples of their speech online in the comfort of their own home, with the guidance of an expert speech clinician. Upon completion of the project, patients will receive a $60 gift card of their choice from Google.


We aim to screen 1,000 patients’ voices. If Project Euphonia’s research proves successful, it will enable phones, computers, and other devices to recognize unique speech patterns that can occur because of these speech disorders. This can improve the quality of life for millions of people living with PD and other neurological disorders.

“My husband and I were delighted to help the Google team improve this technology. Everyone we dealt with guided us step by step in the process of reading 300 short phrases. We completed the short phrases in about 90 minutes. We recommend that you consider participating in this project!”

– Jodie and Dave


See the data and hear the summary of the Phase 1 Project Euphonia research on patients with PD and other disorders.

Hear the creators discuss Project Euphonia’s successes with ALS on the Today Show. Also, this introduction will help you get acquainted with how the project works.

If you have any questions, please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you!

Click the Register Now button to complete a short contact form.  One of our LSVT Global representatives will contact you with more details about the study. There is no obligation to participate by filling out this form.