Data-based articles evaluating the efficacy of the LSVT BIG
**Clarkin, C. M., Ward-Ritacco, C. L., & Mahler, L. (2024). Exercise-Induced Functional Changes in People with Parkinson’s Disease following External Cueing and Task-Based Intervention. Rehabilitation research and practice, 2024, 6188546.
**Kaya Aytutuldu, G., Ersoz Huseyinsinoglu, B., Karagoz Sakalli, N., Sen, A., & Yeldan, I. (2024). LSVT® BIG versus progressive structured mobility training through synchronous telerehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized controlled trial. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, 10.1007/s10072-024-07322-0. Advance online publication.
**Hirakawa, Y., Takeda, K.; Koyama, S.; Iwai, M; Motoya, I.; Sakurai, H.; Kanada, Y.; Kawamura, N.; Kawamura, M.; & Tanabe, S. (2023): Effect of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment BIG® on motor symptoms in a participant with progressive supranuclear palsy: A case report, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2023.2225588
**Matsuno, A., Matsushima, A., Saito, M., Sakurai, K., Kobayashi, K., & Sekijima, Y. (2023). Quantitative assessment of the gait improvement effect of LSVT BIG® using a wearable sensor in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Heliyon, 9(6), e16952.
**Ekmekyapar Fırat, Y., Turgay, T., Soğan, S. S., & Günel Karadeniz, P. (2023). Effects of LSVT-BIG via telerehabilitation on non-motor and motor symptoms and quality of life in Parkinson’s disease. Acta neurologica Belgica, 123(1), 207–214.
**Fleming Walsh, S., Balster, C., Chandler, A., Brown, J., Boehler, M., & O’Rear, S. (2022). LSVT BIG® and long-term retention of functional gains in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 38(5), 629–636.
**Doucet, B. M., Blanchard, M., & Bienvenu, F. (2021). Occupational Performance and Hand Function in People With Parkinson’s Disease After Participation in Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) BIG®. The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association, 75(6), 7506205010.
**Henry W, Cline S, Araujo AC, Ayres N, Gabrielson M, Mears C and Thibault R. (2021). Utilizing Telehealth to Deliver LSVT BIG Treatment for Young Onset Parkinson Disease: A Case Report. Phys Ther Rehabil. 8:7.
**Hirakawa, Y., Koyama, S., Takeda, K., Iwai, M., Motoya, I., Sakurai, H., Kanada, Y., Kawamura, N., Kawamura, M., & Tanabe, S. (2021). Short-term effect and its retention of LSVT® BIG on QOL improvement: 1-year follow-up in a patient with Parkinson’s disease. NeuroRehabilitation, 10.3233/NRE-210129. Advance online publication.
**Hirakawa, Y., Takeda, K., Koyama, S., Naoi, Y., Matsushita, T., Nagai, T., Motoya, I., Sakurai, H., Kanada, Y., Kawamura, N., Kawamura, M., & Tanabe, S. (2021). Effect of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT)® BIG on motor symptoms in a patient with severe Parkinson’s disease: a case report. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 1–10. Advance online publication.
** Proffitt, R., Henderson, W., Stupps, M., Binder, L., Irlmeier, B., & Knapp, E. (2021) Feasibility of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment – BIG intervention in stroke. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 41(1), 40–46.
**Schaible, F., Maier, F., Buchwitz, T. M., Schwartz, F., Hoock, M., Schönau, E., Libuda, M., Hordt, A., van Eimeren, T., Timmermann, L., & Eggers, C. (2021). Effects of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment BIG and conventional physiotherapy on non-motor and motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease: a randomized controlled study comparing three exercise models. Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders, 14, 1756286420986744.
**Fishel, S. C., Hotchkiss, M. E., & Brown, S. A. (2020). The impact of LSVT BIG therapy on postural control for individuals with Parkinson disease: A case series. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 36(7).
**Flood, M. W., O’Callaghan, B. P. F., Diamond, P., Liegey, J., Hughes, G., & Lowery, M. M. (2020). Quantitative clinical assessment of motor function during and following LSVT-BIG® therapy. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 17(1), 1–19.
**Peterka, M., Odorfer, T., Schwab, M., Volkmann, J., & Zeller, D. (2020). LSVT-BIG therapy in Parkinson’s disease: physiological evidence for proprioceptive recalibration. BMC Neurology, 20(1), 276.
**Fillmore, S., Cavalier, G., Franke, H., Hajec, M., Thomas, A., & Moriello, G. (2020) Outcomes following LSVT BIG in a person with normal pressure hydrocephalus: A case report. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 44(3), 220–227.
**Henderson, W., Boone, A. E., Heady, J., Nettleton, M., Wilhelm, T., & Bliss, J. (2020). Use of occupation-based measures in LSVT BIG research: A case study. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 40(2), 131–137.
**Hampton, B. A., Tunney, N., & Dubal, D. (2019). Impact of LSVT BIG on functional outcomes in a patient with Parkinson’s disease: A case study. GeriNotes, 26(1), 20-23.
**Kleppang, T. T., & Jørgensen, L. (2019). Dynamic balance and gait speed improve in persons with Parkinson’s disease after Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) BIG training: A single subject experimental design study. European Journal of Physiotherapy, 22(2), 86–96.
**Metcalfe, V., Egan, M., & Sauvé-Schenk, K. (2019) LSVT BIG in late stroke rehabilitation: A single-case experimental design study. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 86(2), 87–94.
**Chatto, C. A., York, P. T., Slade, C. P., & Hasson, S. M. (2018). Use of a telehealth system to enhance a home exercise program for a person with Parkinson disease: A case report. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 42(1), 22–29.
**Isaacson, S., O’Brien, A., Lazaro, J. D., Ray, A., & Fluet, G. (2018). The JFK BIG study: The impact of LSVT BIG® on dual task walking and mobility in persons with Parkinson’s disease. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 30(4), 636–641.
**Pascal, M. R., Ehlers, D., & Hindman, R. (2018). The effects of LSVT BIG home exercises and T’ai Chi on balance and gait in an individual with Parkinson’s disease: A case study. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, 5(1), 1–4.
**Proffitt, R. M., Henderson, W., Scholl, S., & Nettleton, M. (2018). Lee Silverman Voice Treatment BIG® for a person with stroke. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72(5), 7205210010p1–7205210010p6.
**Millage, B., Vesey, E., Finkelstein, M., & Anheluk, M. (2017). Effect on gait speed, balance, motor symptom rating, and quality of life in those with stage I Parkinson’s disease utilizing LSVT BIG®. Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 2017, 1–8.
**Sundaran, A., & Velmurugan, G. (2017). Effectiveness of LSVT big exercise to improve balance in mild to moderate stage Parkinsons patients. International Journal of Medical and Exercise Science, 3(3), 300-311.
**Ueno, T., Sasaki, M., Nishijima, H., Funamizu, Y., Kon, T., Haga, R., Arai, A., Suzuki, C., Nunomura, J., Baba, M., & Tomiyama, M. (2017). LSVT-BIG improves UPDRS III scores at 4 weeks in Parkinson’s disease patients with wearing off: A prospective, open-label study. Parkinson’s Disease, 2017.
**Walter, K., Pizzichetta, K., Metz, J., DiCarlo, D., Sieban, A., Toscano, M., Atkins, D., Benitez, J., & Babyar, S. (2017). Improved function and geriatric depression scale profile in outpatients with Parkinson’s disease through the participation in Lee Silverman Voice Therapy BIG® program. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Research, 2(4), 1–6. 10.15761/PMRR.1000152
**Dashtipour, K., Johnson, E., Kani, C., Kani, K., Hadi, E., Ghamsary, M., Pezeshkian, S., & Chen, J. J. (2015). Effect of exercise on motor and nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s Disease, 2015.
**Ebersbach, G., Grust, U., Ebersbach, A., Wegner, B., Gandor, F., & Kuhn, A. A. (2015). Amplitude-oriented exercise in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized study comparing LSVT-BIG and a short training protocol. Journal of Neural Transmission, 122(2), 253–256.
**Janssens, J., Malfroid, K., Nyffeler, T., Bohlhalter, S., & Vanbellingen, T. (2014). Application of LSVT BIG intervention to address gait, balance, bed mobility, and dexterity in people with Parkinson disease: A case series. Physical Therapy, 94(7), 1014–1023.
**Ebersbach, G., Ebersbach, A., Gandor, F., Wegner, B., Wissel, J., & Kupsch, A. (2014). Impact of physical exercise on reaction time in patients with Parkinson’s disease—Data from the Berlin BIG Study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95(5), 996–999.
**Ebersbach, G., Ebersbach, A., Edler, D., Kaufhold, O., Kusch, M., Kupsch, A., & Wissel, J. (2010). Comparing exercise in Parkinson’s disease—The Berlin LSVT® BIG study. Movement Disorders, 25(12), 1902–1908.
**Farley, B. G., & Koshland, G. F. (2005). Training BIG to move faster: The application of the speed-amplitude relation as a rehabilitation strategy for people with Parkinson’s disease. Experimental Brain Research, 167(3), 462–467.