Archive for the Featured Category

LSVT Team Member Spotlight: Stephanie Grömminger, LSVT BIG Faculty

Learn more about our LSVT Faculty member Stephanie Grömminger, LSVT BIG Faculty. Stephanie has been a member of our LSVT Global Team in Germany since 2018. Her creative and thoughtful energy makes her a perfect part of this team. Read on to learn more about Stephanie!

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Navigating the Challenges of Fixed 45-Minute Appointments: A Guide for Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists

Physical therapists (PTs), Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Speech-Language-Pathologists (SLPs) dedicate their careers to improving patients’ lives through tailored treatment plans and personalized care. The explosion of research in understanding activity dependent neuroplasticity and key elements for effective rehabilitation have elevated the potential for PT, OT, and SLPs to positively impact human behavior post-injury or disease. However, the realities of clinical practice often introduce challenges that can interfere with the ideal therapeutic process and limit the professional autonomy of therapists and the patients they serve

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Exciting News: Introducing the “Think BIG & LOUD with LSVT Global” Podcast

We have some very BIG news to share!  LSVT Global is thrilled to announce that we have launched a brand-new podcast called “Think BIG & LOUD with LSVT Global” and couldn’t be more excited about it.

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