Where do You Start Your Search?
The first step is to consult our LSVT Global Clinician Directory. You can search by therapy type (LSVT LOUD® speech therapy and/or LSVT BIG® physical therapy or occupational therapy) and geographical location.
You can also see the therapists’ professional credentials, where they work and in what setting (e.g., home health versus private practice) and Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) Certifications (e.g., LSVT LOUD, LSVT BIG, LSVT eLOUD, LOUD for LIFE® and BIG for LIFE®). You can also see when they were certified, languages spoken and if they can accept insurance.
How to Choose an LSVT Therapist
It is important to select a therapist who can provide therapy in the practice setting you need. For example, most therapists who work for home health organizations do not provide outpatient therapy and vice versa. If you are not sure, simply call or email the therapist to inquire. Here is the question we suggest you ask:
“When you offer LSVT LOUD or LSVT BIG, do you do it “by protocol” as established in the research studies (16 individual, one-hour sessions)?”
Why 16 Sessions are Critical
It is the proven dosage that will help you to achieve the amazing results you deserve.
This intensive mode of treatment is critical for the positive changes LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG achieve, consistent with what studies on motor learning and neuroplasticity (the ability for your brain and nervous system to adapt and evolve) show is most effective. If there are challenges to receiving this intensive dosage, let us know- we have some great ideas that can help!
Note that LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG are not offered in fewer, shorter or more spaced-out sessions that would not give you the results that the research-based treatment delivers. Only alterations that are documented with research, such as the LSVT eLOUD or the LSVT® Coach, are acceptable.
If you are interested in receiving LSVT BIG but are unsure of whether to contact a certified physical therapist or certified occupational therapist, we recommend you contact the therapist and have a quick conversation about your symptoms and goals. This will help them know whether you’d be best suited to see a physical therapy or an occupational therapy professional or both! LSVT BIG can be delivered by either one or as team to meet your needs.
“Do you have a maintenance and follow-up plan? What is it?”

It’s Not too Soon to ask About Follow up Recommendations
It’s important to know that LSVT helps you on a continued basis in your journey with PD. Some common follow-up recommendations are to
- Continue your daily homework exercise routine
- Use the LSVT LOUD or LSVT BIG Homework Helper video
- Practice with the LSVT Coach speech software system
- Participate in LOUD for LIFE or BIG for LIFE group maintenance classes
- Schedule periodic tune up sessions
Most importantly, you will want to use your louder voice and bigger movements all day, every day at home, work and play.
Characteristics that make a good LSVT therapist in addition to applying the therapy as per protocol:
They listen to you and constantly observe. The goals of LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG are to restore your voice and movement to more normal, healthier levels. LSVT LOUD should not make you shout, yell, or strain your voice. LSVT BIG should not cause pain or make you look funny when you walk or move, but instead restore healthy movement levels. Great therapists will create an individualized treatment plan based on your specific needs. They will adjust the exercises and give you feedback so you know how to move and speak within normal limits, without causing any harm. Your therapist will incorporate sensory awareness training, so that your improved and healthy movement and voice begins to feel more normal to you.
They make therapy both challenging and fun. No one wants to spend 16 hours of therapy doing something that is easy, boring or irrelevant. Although the LSVT treatment programs have a specific dosage and framework, the functional goals and tasks they train should match your interests and personal goals. For some people tasks are related to their jobs, while for others, tasks are related to walking, fine motor skills, caring for one’s self, or even participation in a hobby or leisure activity. Therapy should never be easy or boring! Great therapists are always thinking of new ways to challenge their patients to maximize their potential with this large amplitude training.
LSVT Global is Here to Help!
If you have any difficulties locating LSVT Certified Clinicians in your area, please contact us and an LSVT Global representative will be happy to assist you in your search. You can call 1-520-867-8838 (direct) or 1-888-438-5788 (toll free) or contact us via email at info@lsvtglobal.com.