LSVT Team Member Spotlight: Cynthia Fox, CEO & Co-Founder of LSVT Global

Cynthia Fox, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of LSVT Global. Faculty for LSVT LOUD, LSVT LOUD for KIDS and LSVT BIG courses.

Short description of what you do:

I oversee the strategic vision for the company and lead the team towards our collective goals for improving lives of people living with Parkinson’s, other neurological conditions and for children with speech and movement disorders. I coordinate operations, marketing, finances, course development, community outreach, and all other aspects of our organization. I participate in research and development, am faculty for all our LSVT Training and Certification Courses and prepare and present on many of our webinar topics. 

How long have you been with LSVT Global?

30 years! I began as a clinical fellow in 1994 as the onsite research assistant on Dr. Lori Ramig’s R01 research grant. The research was examining the efficacy of voice treatment for people with Parkinson’s. I would recruit and treat patients with LSVT LOUD® during that time – and it was like magic!

In that one month of their intensive therapy sessions with me, they would completely transform and I thought, wow, this really changes a person’s life (check out Shirley to see for yourself).

It was magical and inspirational, and I knew I wanted to be part of it. And I never did anything else ever again.

In the early 2000’s I was instrumental in two key expansions of LSVT which included development of LSVT BIG® for physical and occupational therapy, and LSVT LOUD® for KIDS. It is humbling to see the impact the work of this organization has had over the past 30 years. I could not be prouder to have been a part of its success… but we still have a lot of work to do. 

What is your favorite part of the job/what do you enjoy most?

There is SO MUCH I enjoy; it is hard to pick a most favorite.  Here are a few highlights:

Team LSVT at the Tucson Triathalon 2024
  • Getting unsolicited feedback from clients and clinicians on the impact that LSVT has had on their lives. These are little nuggets of motivational gold that inspire and delight our entire team. 
  • Seeing the research that continues to be published on LSVT and the ongoing growth in knowledge and understanding of effective treatment. There is no stagnation in our pursuit of excellence from science to clinical practice. 
  • Creating educational content that is responsive to all the feedback we receive from course participants. We pride ourselves on constantly improving our training courses.
  • Creating a positive and supportive culture for our LSVT Global team. On a daily basis I get to interact with the incredibly dedicated, brilliant and supportive team members. It is truly an honor to have the responsibility to lead this team. 
  • Working with the Parkinson’s community has been a gift and expanding LSVT beyond Parkinson’s has been immensely rewarding. After 30 years, I still have the same excitement and passion.

Tell us a little about yourself!

I grew up in the Midwest, but slowly migrated out West through my education. I landed in Tucson, Arizona 30 years ago and it has become my home.

Cynthia and husband John
Cynthia’s Family

I just celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband, John. I am blessed with two stepsons and my darling 10-year-old grandson, JJ. I am also blessed with fabulous siblings and parents, plus nieces, nephews, and cousins with whom I am very close.

I love and have great passion for my work. I adore travel whether it is for work or for fun! I have so many life-long and deep friendships that fill my cup and bring me joy. Bubbles absolutely delight me (aka Champagne). I enjoy almost any kind of adventure and am passionate about fitness and exercise. AND, I am a very proud and slightly crazy cat Mom. 

Mercury & Elvis
Grandson JJ

My favorite quote or favorite food or favorite past time:

I love the quote from Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” It represents life-long learning, growth and always working to do better and be better.

Laughing and sipping champagne with family and friends around the world would be a top pastime for me.

Dr. Cynthia Marie Fox you are truly a wonder in all you do! Ever since I first met you when you were a Master’s degree student at the University of Colorado-Boulder and I invited you to be a key part of my NIH-NIDCD LSVT grant (subcontract at University of Arizona-Tucson), you continuously have enriched my life and the lives of those around you. Fundamentally, LSVT and I would not be what and who we are today without you!

Your brilliance, wisdom, limitless positive energy, creativity, and courage to advance the science and clinical practice of LSVT have made a stunning impact on the Parkinson’s disease community.

Venturing into global dissemination opened LSVT to a world beyond imagination. Establishing lifelong partnerships, while learning from colleagues based in all corners of the world, enriched the influence of LSVT. As such, your global impact is monumental and all the while, driven by your passionate joy.

Now as CEO of LSVT Global, you have embraced the challenge of advancing a rehabilitation product into a successful business. Your creative energy, persistence and enlightened vision continually enhance the impact of LSVT on the lives of clinicians and patients globally.

Thank you, Dr. Fox, for your amazing contributions to the world of LSVT, which drive your passionate vision that ‘the best is yet to come’!

Lorraine Ramig, Chief Scientific Officer & Co-Founder LSVT Global

Cynthia Fox, CEO of LSVT Global, is a dynamic leader with a profound passion for enhancing the quality of life of individuals affected by Parkinson’s and other neurological conditions.

As one of the co-founders of the company, I have witnessed Cynthia’s visionary leadership and commitment to evidence-based research propel LSVT Global to the forefront of its field and transform how neurological rehabilitation is delivered. 

Under her guidance, the company has broadened its focus from Parkinson’s all the way to innovative treatments like LSVT BIG and LSVT for Kids. She has helped our company be all that we had hoped it would become, and more.

Cynthia, you are an agent of positive change, and have rightfully earned the admiration and respect of the extended LSVT Global family. It has been a great honour and privilege to work with you, and I’m excited to see what the future will bring.

David McFarland, Vice-President Business Development & Co-Founder LSVT Global

Are you a therapist interested in learning more about LSVT LOUD or LSVT BIG Certification? Or, already Certified and interested in LOUD for LIFE or BIG for LIFE Training?

Have you already had LSVT treatment and are interested in LOUD for LIFE or BIG for LIFE classes?