I have seen the incredible results of the LSVT BIG with numerous clients over the course of my fieldwork experiences. Based on my experiences, I believe that participation in the individualized LSVT BIG program first to recalibrate the sensory-motor system prior to participation in community-based group exercise is the most beneficial way to maximize outcomes and enhance functional performance.
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We congratulate the 2018 Occupational Therapy student grant recipients! Each student received a $1,500 small student grant from LSVT Global, to be used during the 2018-2019 academic year. These unrestricted grants provide funding to help support their treatment research projects. Download information about our 2019 Student Grant competition for occupational therapy students here. Letters of Intent are due May 17, 2019. Domestic and International applications are welcome. Proposals and Application Due: June 28, 2019 Occupational Therapy Awardees Nataya Branjerdporn Occupational Therapist, PhD Student Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre University of Queensland, Australia “Driving change for infants at high risk of cerebral palsy in low-resource contexts: An innovative community-based parent-delivered early intervention program.” Significance: Cerebral palsy is the most prevalent physical disability in children around the world and may lead to less favourable occupational performance. Eight in ten children with cerebral palsy are born into low-resource contexts, such as India, where financial hardship and remoteness contribute to difficulties accessing therapies that enable children to participate in meaningful occupations and experience optimal quality of life. A new approach called the Learning through Everyday Activities with Parents (LEAP-CP) program responds to this need by training local mothers to develop therapeutic
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The LSVT BIG Educational Seminar is coming to Winter Haven, Florida! Read on to find out all the details.
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LSVT BIG is coming to Winter Haven, Florida! Read on to find out all the details.
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We congratulate the 2018 physical therapy student grant recipients! Each student received a $1,500 small student grant from LSVT Global, to be used during the 2018-2019 academic year. These unrestricted grants provide funding to help support their treatment research projects. Download information about our 2019 Student Grant competition for physical therapy students here. Letters of Intent are due March 29, 2019. Domestic and International applications are welcome. Information on our 2019 Student Grant competition for occupational therapy students will be released in April, 2019. Physical Therapy Awardees Holly Johnson DPT Student Northern Arizona University, Phoenix “Boxing as an Alternate Treatment for Sleep Disorders in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: A Feasibility Study” Over 95% of individuals with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) suffer from at least one sleep-related dysfunction1. Sleep behavior disorder (RBD) and excessive daytime sleepiness are non-motor signs of PD that impact mobility and increase risk of falls2. Non-traditional meditative exercise and multi-modal exercise have been shown to improve sleep in individuals with PD. It is unknown if a relationship exists between the level of intensity of exercise and sleep quality. Boxing is a high- intensity exercise that has become a popular exercise option with the PD community
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The Board of Directors of LSVT Global, Inc. is very pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Cynthia Fox as Chief Executive Officer. This new appointment grants Dr. Fox greatly expanded governance roles and responsibilities. She will also continue to oversee the day-to-day operations of the company. As one of the Founders of LSVT Global, Dr. Fox has the experience and vision to lead the company as it broadens the reach of its current range of therapies and products and invests in new initiatives to grow the company. LSVT Global develops innovative treatments that improve the speech and movement of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and other neurological conditions. We train speech, physical and occupational therapists around the world in these treatments so that they can positively impact the lives of their patients.
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Holiday Sale – 25% Off!! Keep your voice and movements “Alive” with LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG Homework Helper Videos!
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We are physical therapists who have been practicing for over seven years. The LSVT BIG Training and Certification Course was one of the most functional and fulfilling courses we both have ever taken.
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Do you provide therapy to people with Parkinson’s? Discover the difference that LSVT BIG® Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy can make.
Please join us for a FREE informational webinar “Improving Mobility and Function in Parkinson’s with LSVT BIG: Evidence-based Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy”
Tuesday, December 4th from 9:00–10:00 a.m. SGT*
NOTE: Date and time is for Kuala Lumpur time zone, MYT/SGT, which is GMT +8:00 hours.
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LSVT BIG is my miracle! I know now that just as I take my medications on a regular basis, I need to continue with LSVT BIG! I must keep exercising; it is my other new medicine! This is the only way to look at it.
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