Posts Tagged LSVT LOUD

Treating Childhood Populations with LSVT LOUD®

Join LSVT Faculty for a discussion regarding how LSVT LOUD may be applied to pediatric clients, with a focus on cerebral palsy and Down syndrome.

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How Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists can Collaborate to Successfully share LSVT BIG Clients

Join LSVT Faculty to discuss the target benefits of a combined PT/OT approach for both therapists and clients.

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Improve Your Fine Motor Skills through LSVT BIG®

Join LSVT BIG faculty as they discuss how increasing amplitude through LSVT BIG treatment can be used to help individuals with Parkinson’s disease improve fine motor skills such as buttoning and hand writing, typing, and more.

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Life after LSVT LOUD® and LSVT BIG®: Tips to help maintain treatment gains

Join LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD Faculty as they discuss frequently asked questions related to LSVT treatment protocols.

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Get the LSVT Companion – a speech therapy data collection option. Now available for all ages!

The LSVT Coach is a one of a kind device for LSVT LOUD treatment. It consists of a software program paired with an external calibrated microphone that offers valid and reliable acoustic measurement of sound pressure level (SPL), frequency and duration. The data collection is specifically tailored to the LSVT LOUD protocol and offers automated data averaging for fast and efficient summary treatment results.

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You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers! Top 10 questions related to LSVT treatments

Join LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD Faculty as they discuss frequently asked questions related to LSVT treatment protocols.

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LSVT Treatments Applied to Neurological Conditions Beyond Parkinson’s Disease

Join LSVT Global faculty for an informational webinar on how to apply LSVT Treatments to Neurological Conditions Beyond Parkinson’s Disease.

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Life after LSVT LOUD® and LSVT BIG®: Tips to help maintain treatment gains

Join LSVT Global faculty for an informational webinar on Life after LSVT LOUD® and LSVT BIG®.

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You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers! Top 10 questions related to LSVT treatments

Join LSVT Global faculty for an informational webinar on the top 10 questions related to LSVT treatments.

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LSVT LOUD® and LSVT BIG® Year in Review: Research and Clinical Updates in 2020

Join LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD Faculty as they discuss unique challenges faced by individuals with atypical or advanced Parkinsonian disorders. The presentation will include information on how LSVT BIG can improve mobility for these individuals and how treatment can be adapted to fit the unique needs often encountered in these populations.

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