Archive for the Webinars Category

Melhorando a comunicação através do LSVT LOUD®: tratamento fonoaudiológico baseado em evidências para Doença de Parkinson (Portuguese)

Junte-se a nós para conhecer mais sobre o LSVT LOUD, um tratamento eficaz para os problemas de voz e fala dos indivíduos com doença de Parkinson (DP) e outras condições neurológicas.

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How can technology increase access to LSVT LOUD® speech treatment for Parkinson’s?

Attend this webinar to learn how technology, including telepractice and the LSVT Companion System, can be utilized to overcome barriers to receiving effective LSVT LOUD speech treatment.

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Small movements and LSVT BIG®: Can BIG help my small?

Join LSVT BIG Faculty as they discuss how LSVT BIG can be used for individuals with Parkinson disease to improve small movements such as buttoning or handwriting and not just “big” movements like walking or getting up from a low chair.

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Consideration of Nonmotor Symptoms in the Successful Delivery of LSVT LOUD® and LSVT BIG®

Join LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD Expert Clinicians as they delve into the non-motor symptoms of impaired cognition, autonomic changes, dementia, depression, and apathy, followed by a discussion on how these areas are addressed in LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD.

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Exercise versus Therapy for PD: How do I decide?

Join LSVT BIG® and LSVT LOUD® Expert Clinicians as they present current literature on exercise in PD and how LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD can help individuals with PD improve motor and voice symptoms.

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Keep it BIG! Tune ups and other Post-discharge Recommendations in LSVT BIG®

Join LSVT BIG Faculty to hear valuable insights on post-discharge recommendations following LSVT BIG, including continued daily homework practice, tune-up sessions, and BIG for LIFE® maintenance groups.

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Keep it LOUD! Tune ups and other Post-discharge Recommendations in LSVT LOUD®

Join LSVT LOUD Faculty to hear valuable insights on post-discharge recommendations following LSVT LOUD, including continued daily homework practice, tune up sessions, and LOUD for LIFE® maintenance groups.

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Am I too early to start LSVT BIG® or LSVT LOUD®?

Join LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD Expert Clinicians for a discussion on how LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG can help maintain current levels of functioning, uncover movement and vocal challenges, and improve movement and voice while potentially slowing symptom progression.

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LSVT LOUD® für Menschen mit Morbus Parkinson (Wissenschaftlicher Hintergrund und praktische Übungen)

Über 89% aller Menschen mit Morbus Parkinson haben im Laufe ihrer Erkrankung Sprech- und/oder Stimmstörungen, die sich negativ auf die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen auswirken.

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Improving Communication and Movement in Parkinson Disease through Evidence-based Speech, Physical, and Occupational Therapies (Spanish)

The LSVT® (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) Programs for individuals with Parkinson disease (PD) have been developed and researched over the past 25 years beginning with a focus on the speech motor system (LSVT LOUD®) and more recently have been extended to address limb motor systems (LSVT BIG®).

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