Archive for the Main Blog Category

LSVT Global Announces New Volunteer Program for People with Parkinson’s

Senior woman exercising at home

Gain a rewarding experience that also provides an opportunity to practice LSVT LOUD® or LSVT BIG® exercises with expert feedback from LSVT faculty! People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are invited to volunteer during our Virtual Live LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG Training and Certification Courses.

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Get the LSVT Companion – a speech therapy data collection option. Now available for all ages!

The LSVT Coach is a one of a kind device for LSVT LOUD treatment. It consists of a software program paired with an external calibrated microphone that offers valid and reliable acoustic measurement of sound pressure level (SPL), frequency and duration. The data collection is specifically tailored to the LSVT LOUD protocol and offers automated data averaging for fast and efficient summary treatment results.

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Join us for LSVT Global’s FREE Virtual SLP Mini-Conference!

Although the ASHA Annual Conference and Expo is canceled this year, we still want to share our clinical and research updates, discounts, and prizes with you through our own FREE Virtual SLP Mini-Conference and Expo! Read on to learn more about the educational events, prizes and discounts.  

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2020 LSVT Global Student Grant Awardees

It is a great honor for LSVT Global to seed future researchers in the fields of speech, physical and occupational therapy. It is our hope that these opportunities will ignite a passion and life-long pursuit of treatment research in these young scholars. Congratulations to all the winners!

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How LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG therapists work together to provide interprofessional care for people with Parkinson’s disease

Do your speech, physical, and occupational therapy rehab teams have loosely coordinated goals for patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), but no real synergy? Are treatments given in isolation with little to no therapeutic collaboration? Our multidisciplinary team recently addressed these questions (and more) during a live chat hosted by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Review the conversation and learn more!

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Quantitative Clinical Assessment of Motor Function During and Following LSVT BIG® Therapy

Combined with improvements to acoustic measures and communicative efficiency reported in previous studies, our findings suggest that SLPs’ patients with PD will experience improvements in speech communication and quality of life if treatment targeting voice is included in their patients’ care plan.

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MDS Virtual Conference – LSVT Global’s Posters

LSVT Global shares innovative new research at the MDS Virtual Congress, 2020. Check out our six poster presentations and learn more about the ever-evolving research behind LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG!

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Help us STOP the 2021 Medicare cuts!

Tell congress to stop the 2021 Medicare cuts! Your input as Medicare beneficiaries and/or friends and family will hopefully serve to enlighten them on the negative impact these cuts may have on your health and well-being.

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Navigating Masks and Parkinson’s disease – keeping yourself heard!

Explore tips and resources for people with Parkinson’s disease that may help when communicating with a mask.

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The effects of intensive speech treatment on intelligibility in Parkinson’s disease: A randomised controlled trial

Combined with improvements to acoustic measures and communicative efficiency reported in previous studies, our findings suggest that SLPs’ patients with PD will experience improvements in speech communication and quality of life if treatment targeting voice is included in their patients’ care plan.

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